Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bear Lake

One of my girl friends has a cabin up at Bear Lake and she was kind enough to invite us to go stay the night with her and some of our other friends. It was a fun little getaway. The kids loved having a giant slumber party with the other kids and playing in the dirt. We sat on the dirty beach for hours while the kids played in the water and built sand castles. It was fun to have adult conversations and enjoy my girl friends while giving the kids a little mini vacation. On the way home I took a wrong turn and headed and extra long way home. We were the only ones on the road  and I was high up in a canyon. I looked down and my gas tank and started to panic. I thought for sure we were going to run out of gas. Instantly little Madi was on to me and could tell something was wrong. She came right out and asked are we going to run out of gas? We both were very scared  because we had quite a ways to go and I seriously had not seen a car pass us for miles. I told Mad we would be fine and asked her to say a prayer for us. It's funny how dumb simple stories like these or simple tender mercies, really strengthen our faith in a loving Heavenly Father. Because after that prayer my heart slowed down a bit I wasn't as nervous and we were now on the decline of the canyon.  so I put the car in neutral we glided down that mountain for a good 30 miles and straight into the gas station at the bottom. Safe! didn't have to find a stranger to haul 3 babies and a crazy lady. Matt didn't really love this story he told me I was crazy and that driving in neutral down the mountain was really stupid!! But hey we made it right!!Oh the lazy days of summer!

1 comment:

Justin said...

I hate you. I am so jealous. Looks like you guys had fun. I love Mia's hair.