Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Last one!!

I forgot to mention my most favorite part of Christmas!! After all the presents had been opened and we were just sitting down, Madi got this HUGE grin on her face and started digging under the tree. She pulled out two teeny tiny pieces of paper all folded wrapped and taped up and said I got you and dad a present. (the best part was this girl's grin!! she was smiling from ear to ear) We both carefully opened our gifts up and were both surprised with a little piece of coal she had made out of paper and a black magic marker!! Then she shouted you guys were naughty so you get coal!!! Followed by her just laughing and laughing like she was the funniest girl in the world! Both Matt and I could not stop smiling  and laughing with her! HILARIOUS!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Boy, did she get it right! Way to go Madi!