Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Eve of Christmas yep that's right I'm still on Christmas!!!

Christmas Eve still seems a little weird for me! As a child we ALWAYS stayed home and my grandparents would come over along with my aunt and uncle and their kids. My mom would cook a feast, we'd sing, tell stories, play games, and then after our guests had left we'd open jammies and all of us kids would sleep together and watch movies all night long. So I can't quite figure out our little Hess family's Christmas Eve. I'm not sure how to do it. Nothing we do seems or feels like Christmas Eve to me!! Except for the part where we are under the tree opening a gift and then snuggling up together for movies and treats! but that part doesn't come until 7 or 8 so what to do until that time... not quite sure!! But this year we decided to go down town to temple square we hadn't gone all season and we HAD to go. So we packed up and headed out. The kids loved the lights and loved riding tracks around down town. Then we came home and let the kids open a gift from Matt and I. We decided no jammies this year since My mom and Matt's mom always give the kids jammies for Christmas and I just couldn't spend the money on jammies that we didn't need. So we bought the kids each a book and then Madi got the punky brewster dvd set from me and Max got Matt's old comic trading cards from when he was a kid. It was kind of fun to talk to them about how exciting Christmas time is and how when we were kids these gifts were some of our favorite things. But then to really talk about Christmas and why we celebrate and why we give.

The kids had a fluffy bed set up and slept together for several days before and after Christmas Eve. But there is nothing quite like that special night and having the lights on and your pots and pans right there ready to wake up mom and dad bright and early.

Madi was feeling festive and had ALL KINDS of decorations spread throughout her room. Sorry Mad but I maybe would throw random things away here and there throughout the month, but it looks like you never noticed, so go mom!!!!

And of course we had to get the kids sitting and waiting while Pops checked if Santa even came or not. Looks like he did! I love Christmas even more as an adult! Matt says I just can't remember that excitement and that I probablly loved it more as a kid but I think remembering that excitement is why I love it more. I love watching my kids be so happy. They just make me laugh as they swear that they had seen elves and Santa peeking in on them. And then to hear Max (now in Feb.) still talking about what next Christmas will be like just makes me smile! I love that as a momma I get to help create that magic and add some fun memories to their lives. Too fun!!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Love the E.T. pajamas. I agree it's hard to change up Christmas celebrations that you've had your whole life. John's family opens a present on Christmas Eve and it's always pajamas. I hate it!!! No presents before Christmas morning I say and no pajamas! I have pajamas coming out my ears now. (I know you do this :)) Hard to change.