Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bad Mom...

 Call me a bad mom if you must but quite frankly my dear I don't give a darn??? EVERY kid has to go toilet papering at least once in their life! Pretty sure we are the hooligans of the neighborhood. Summer, Heather,  and I took the girls and pitched a tent in the neighborhood park, we had pizza, treats, and toilet paper! it was such a  fun night.The girls were hilarious! they giggled all night long! Hearing those sweet sincere giggles is one of my most favorite things as a mother. Unfortunately our little shindig was interrupted at about 2:30 AM when the sprinklers hit and drenched us! the girls were so sad and begged to stay and sleep in their soaking bags! I remember as a little girl having a bunch of girls sleep over. At midnight we wanted to go toilet papering so my mother walked us all to the gas station ans then walked us back to get the Hucks! I always loved having a mother who wasn't afraid to live a little and to play with us rather then just shake her head and be disgusted!!


Unknown said...

HAHA I love it!!! Remember when your dad took us toilet papering for his first time? He was so scared we were going to get caught! Then the gangsta car drove by and everyone ran into the bushes except for me and you.... We just dropped to the ground (on top of the white tp) thinking we would be hidden in our black outfits!!! So many good memories doing that kind of stuff!

Angela said...

Funny- although I don't think toilet papering really started until I was quite a bit older than Madi.

Grandma chewy said...

Such Fun!!! Ohhh the memories it brings. My first memory of toilet papering was with my mom. Hmmm over 50 years ago. I'll never forget my mom in her duster (house coat) jumping in the trees giggling as hard as us girls were. Fun times and forever memories. Thanks for carrying on the Moms and daughters tradition. Grandma Faye is smiling right now, I'm sure of it!!!

emeryfam said...

Loved that night! Your giving me inspiration to start blogging again, too many fun memories and I HAVE to do it.