Wednesday, June 2, 2010

C-Man's 60th

Oh yes my fatehr in Law is 60 years old!!!! What an old man huh!!! Well my cute sister in laws wanted to have a huge surprise party for the old geezer so that we did! Katie and Bec did an awesome job of planning and keeping the whole thing a secret. Chuck had no clue that Becky, Pat, and Syd were coming in from Grand Junction and that Uncle Jim and Aunt Trudy were coming from Logan. No clue in fact that he was 2 hours late to his own party!! Poor Nicole finally had to cave and tell him there was a party going on and that he was the guest of honor! When he arrived the grand kids were thrilled and the adults were were equally excited because we could finally eat!!! It was such a fun evening the kids all played together, Madi had to perform her magic show, and we all just sat around and chit chatted. You gotta love birthdays! Happy 60th Chuckster! You are one amazing Grandpa our kiddies love you so much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where are the Disneyland pictures?